Sunday, April 11, 2010

the weekend off

Well, the weekend went too quickly. And as always is the case, I didn't get nearly enough done. But I can still try and get a ton of things done tomorrow before we head to Hershey on Tuesday.

I also still have to get together my questions for the transplant doctors. They are in my head, but that's a crowded place, so it's better if they are on paper.

Yesterday I weeded a little bit of the garden I put in last year, and filled all the bird feeders. Brian sat outside today for a little while and got to enjoy all the birds. They are quite tame here and will come very close if you sit still and are patient.

I took him to Walmart and we picked out some soft PJ bottoms and Tshirts that he wears in the hospital. He has a week's worth now, so I have a few days to find a washer once we get out to Hershey for the transplant. (he wears tshirts and undies to sleep in a home hence the need to shop)

Scott chopped some wood for me, we're still using the fireplace in the evenings and I certainly don't want Brian to even consider the chore. We did a little around the yard...but not really too much. I spray painted a garden ornament ( frog) I've had for years, he was looking faded and rusty and I repainted him and gave him a fresh look. I mostly worked in the house, put up some shelves and found a few more moving boxes to unpack. We're still missing a box of bathroom stuff and a box of kitchen things...I am thinking they must have gotten shoved in the attic.

I spent Friday evening with Stephanie. We went out and did some chores, went to Lowes to get the shelves I put up. That really helped with some organization. The more that is stored away, the easier it is to keep things clean and dust free for Brian. I haven't talked to Brian about packing his paperbacks in his room away, he'd be very upset, and I want to discuss the necessity of it with the transplant doctors first.

Tonight he's having some pain where the new portacath has been installed. There is a spot that looks a little red and swollen, so we cleaned it up and put a little antibiotic on it. It's healing slower because of the chemo right after the port a cath insertion. It is on the opposite side of the one he had before, and up a little further towards his left shoulder. It's smaller, but deeper then the old one and is called a power port. The surgeon chose this port for Brian for a couple of reasons, first off because he formed many fibrin sheeths with the old port, this design is not so susceptible to them, and it can also be used for contrast IV fluids for PET and CAT scans.

All in all he had a good weekend, mostly resting and playing video games. His appetite was good and he ate lots of fresh fruit and veggies. He is also keeping his hydration up and drinking quite a bit. That really helps keep him healthy and prevents chemotherapy delays. The PH isn't as much a factor with this chemo regime as it was with the CHOP, but still important especially with the blood draws all the time. It's a whole lot easier to find a vein if you are nice and hydrated. His arms are bruised a bit, but it happens.

If there are any questions you think I should ask the transplant doctor on tuesday, post them here for me.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone has a cow to donate that would be swell! <3 Steph
