Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday's a pet day....

Well, one of those things that still needed to get done prior to Brian's diagnosis was some cat fixing....( I hate that word's not like they are broken..but I digress)

We still have a few that needed to be altered. But our budget has been ..hum what's a good word....decimated?...that's a good word...
so a few weeks ago I perusing craigslist and I saw an ad for low cost Spay and neuter. Imagine my utmost joy....
SO today I hauled 5 of the 6 boys (one's still got too much snotty nose) off to get denutted. Thank more thing that needed to get done..accomplished. The people seemed very nice and hopefully in the future when my time free's up, I can get involved in their group, but that's way down the line. But Scott and I do miss being involved in pet rescue. ( and we live in a development which desperately needs some help, full of abandoned pets).
So today I thank NO KILL LEHIGH VALLEY for making it easy and affordable to get the boys done. I hope by the time their next event rolls around, we can finish up the girls. Snotty Sammy will have to be done before that...we'll have to keep our eyes open for another low cost option once his cold clears up.

Brian feels pretty good today. His stomach feels bloated, but the nausea is passing. His muscles hurt, but he has a little more energy. He's still all cranked up over the history channel stuff he was some extent it is good though because he gets all animated and chatty and forgets about feeling crappy.

I finished all the medical least for now. I have a huge pile to haul out to the mail tomorrow.
For now I need to get back to work on the laundry pile, put the cat carriers back under the house...and get some groceries. I think since Brian is feeling better, with his mask on, I will let him come with me to the grocery store and see what appeals to him for dinner.

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