Thursday, April 22, 2010


well...I did not get to Costco....too many things got in the way...

our schedule changed slightly....the calender has already been updated...there were some scheduling issues on the hospital side.

Brian is not feeling well today. He is having some pain while of the chemo drugs is bladder toxic..we'll have to see if that is an issue still in a few hours. If it is, then we'll have to act upon it. He's also nauseated and hungry at the same time. This is a familiar symptom that he experienced last time. I made him some steamed fish and spinach. Mild but filling. He kept it down no problem.
Because he is taking some zofran, something like rice would only add to the constipation effects and while might feel good on his stomach, would further long the natural progress of things.
He's been sleeping most of the day, which is the best thing he can do right now. Get lots of rest.

I returned a few phone calls from earlier in the week....mostly medical stuff...and am working still on the medical bill pile.
Got slightly distracted from that when I had a printer problem and had to call the company to see about what was up with it.

Tomorrow is the neulasta injection...have to drive all the way down to the hospital to get a 3 second injection... but it has to be done.

I'm tired, I am going to try and get some more paperwork done then get a nap. I have made no inroads into the laundry blob at all...oh well....

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