Sunday, April 4, 2010

one hair, two hairs, a whole bunch of hairs

Brian's hair has started to fall out. It took a long time (years) for Brian's hair to return to normal after his last chemotherapy treatments. It was coarse and stiff like brush hair and he hated it.

Now he wears his hair a little longer and it is medium curly...really quite nice and I know the loss of it is going to be difficult for Brian.
When he was 14 and his hair started to fall out, we were in the hospital for a round of chemotherapy. He ran his finger through his hair and came out with a handful...he was amused then...pulling tufts out and leaving himself with a quite the unique look.
This time around, well I think it won't be particularly amusing for him. One of the big problems is when his eyelashes fall out, they frequently get into his eyes in the middle of the night, causing him pain and it can be hard to get them all flushed out. Makes for a very unpleasant way to wake up as well, and since sleep can be sparing, not good to get awoke like that.

Stephanie offered to cut her hair so I could make him a wig. Now that is a REAL serious sacrificial offer...Stephanie's hair is very long and she's quite attached to it. Literally..ha.ha.
I offered to shave my head in support, and draw a dragon on his, but he's not finding these offers amusing right now. He's all gurr and serious. And there will some sense of loss no doubt.

Some of you have made repeated offers for me to call or visit or go to church etc..and I'd like to address them in general for a minute.
We are very private people. We are a fairly closed family group and it is something that we do well at. We appreciate your offers, but it is unlikely that we will avail ourselves of them. Having been through this before, we know what we need to cope. Sharing our feelings publicly is for us, somewhat uncomfortable and we don't feel better for having done it.
It is not a reflection on the many offers we have graciously received, it is a reflection of how we cope best under tremendous stress.
This blog is all the sharing we are able to do at this time. But we know your offers are heartfelt and we thank you for them. I hope you'll understand and respect our wishes at this time.

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