Saturday, April 3, 2010


Really today should be hump day, not wednesday....just trying to get caught up on the laundry, get the recycling together to go out tomorrow night, pet chores....

I'd like to go out and get some gardening done....but there really isn't time for that today. I also would REALLY like to see the movie "how to train your dragon" but Brian wouldn't be able to go because of his counts, and I can't otherwise justify the expense.

Scott and I sat and watched "How it's made", we love that show, and it's really the first 5 minutes we've had all week. Seems like we've been putting out one fire after another this week. Makes things very stressful.

Brian is pretty much living on frozen strawberry smoothies until his mouth sores are better. I add a little heavy cream to them so he can get a little extra protein...and hey...a little heavy cream makes EVERYTHING better anyhow...

I need to make a trip back to NJ to see my own prescriptions are running low, but with Brian's counts so low this week, I am going to put that off one more week. Funny how keeping our same doctor seemed so simple at first, but now has become complicated. But not as complicated as finding a new one right now. Besides, it IS only twice a year I need to get in's just not a good time of year now..

Stephanie is still sick. She's been relegated to staying in her room or wearing a mask. We have a small hepafilter for her room, but it never got unpacked from the move. Scott's going up in the attic to find it tonight, then we'll need to find a new filter for it. Can't have her getting Brian sick for sure...

I have to work on retrieving my computer back up hard drive information this weekend too. No rest for the wicked...and obviously I am very wicked...

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