Sunday, August 25, 2013

august update

Brian had his PET scan and is heading to Philadelphia to meet with Dr. Nasta to review the results on Wednesday 8/28.

We'll post updates after that.

We have some issues with his mental health that are trying to get addressed, but it is a little easier said then done. He is not 100% committed to addressing them. We've had a few false starts in getting him the right kind of care, and obviously my ability to physically drag him off is not possible.

I have had personally a difficult summer physically and I have had to focus on that, simply because my body gave me no other choice and since there is no one else to step up and care for Brian, I had to give myself attention first. Xrays, MRI, blood tests later, it looks like either my immune disease is progressing or I am having a wicked flare. In any event, I have severe tendonitis in my shoulder and upper arm that is on week 9 of healing, and forced me back on prescription pain killers. However, it is making improvements after a series of injections, medications, steroids and even some antibiotics.

The cat rescue continues to progress....I am at the point now where as soon as I have the funds necessary I can file the paperwork, which is filed out and ready to go. The funds as always..the

hope you all have enjoyed your summer.