Monday, April 5, 2010

the hair goeth

We're going to buzz Brian's hair short today, it's falling out anyhow and it makes it easier to buzz it short first. Then there isn't so much to vacuum up, and I don't need to worry about the cat's eating it...and yes, they will....anything string like and it can be dangerous. And worse yet is when it comes out in their poop, with a little poop ball dangling by a piece of hair...(cat ownership is NOT for the faint at heart)

You will no doubt learn more nitty gritties then you ever wanted to know from this blog.

Today we have a treat...Brian pulled some of his hair out reluctantly so I could video it from my phone to share with you. IF you have never experienced hair loss from chemotherapy, it is unique in how the hair just sort of "lets go" at the doesn't hurt, in fact there is no feeling to it what so ever.
So here it is... Hair loss from chemotherapy

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