Thursday, October 3, 2013

Update after Univ. of Pa visit

It's been awhile since the last update, we've been busy.

The good news is that Brian's last PET scan was completely clear and he is considered in complete remission. We are free of those constant trips now until Feb.  In Feb he will have a CAT scan and will see Dr. Nasta again. For now, we've decided to deal only with Univ. of Penn.

Brian also went to his regular Dr. and got some antidepressants, and some medication to help with his severe neuropathy. AND some more antibiotics for his toe. He also got a referral to the podiatrist and the psychiatrist. (those appt he has not made yet, but I am willing to be happy with the baby steps)

I have befriended people on facebook who's children have and are battling cancer in it's various forms, and I know that no matter what we have lost....what we might lose...we are blessed...Brian has survived for 14 years. Through some terrible chemo treatments, through a stem cell transplant that was even harder. and while we are all damaged...physically and mentally and ruined financially...we have Brian ..I can live with it. We are the lucky ones even if it doesn't feel like it every day.