Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday's Musings

Today we got a much needed rain storm. My perennials are starting to come up and they needed a good drink.

The birds are wondering why my feeders are empty...they need to talk to the bear. He /she really likes birdseed. Last year the bears stayed in the back...(we live adjacent to the state game lands) I have mixed feelings about the front yard visit...

Because the bear played in the driveway until late, and was still there when Scott went out to get in the car for work, I bought a small air horn at the store. Hopefully that will scare him off if he gets too close again. I don't want to have to call animal control, I just want him to stay in the back...the far back.

I took Brian for labs today. He is due to go to the oncologist for a office visit then admit on Monday for another round of ICE. This should be the last round of chemo before we start the transplant protocol. I'd estimate that will begin in about 4-5 weeks depending on blood counts, lab tests, and the almighty medicaid problems. I have to make some phone calls and investigate that delay on Monday. And it means we have to pay for all the prescriptions out of pocket again for what Brian needs when he is discharged from the hospital next thursday.

Brian is tired, but is trying to hide the fact that he is also unstable on his feet. But we can see it when he walks. He's gotten good at hiding things quickly because he knows I worry, fortunately I am good at watching like a hawk.

Scott and I talked for a while yesterday about the fall Brian took the other day. We've decided that instead of discussing the shower chair and extra bathroom handles, we'll just get them this weekend and put them in place. If Brian asks about them, we'll just say that my fibromyalgia is flaring again and I need them because I am afraid of falling. It's not far form the truth and I have in the past needed assistance and sometimes use a cane when it does flare, so he might buy it, and if they are there, it will be easy for him to just use them while not thinking they are really for him.
If Brian was to fall when his platelets were low, he could bleed very seriously, possibly even life threateningly, so it could have been serious. So I am going to remove those items form the helpful list and we're going to get them tomorrow locally.

I also talked at length with Stephanie about everything we discussed at Hershey. She was upset, but is starting to understand that this is more serious then last time, and last time WAS serious. It's just hard to accept things that she is being asked to take in stride.

I hope to get caught up on things this weekend before the week at the hospital next week. I have to get dinners cooked, and cat food stocked and try and get through the ever growing pile of medical stuff. And get Brian's stuff packed up to go on monday.

When Brian is in the hospital next week, I hope to get the echo-cardiogram, and the pulmonary function test he needs prior to transplant scheduled and done, and I also am going to push to see if I can get an ophthalmologist in to see him. He has been complaining about his eye sight since this past round of chemo., it seems to be effecting his sight, or something is.

We also have a pile of informational reading and paperwork to get through from Hershey...

It's really hard to keep plugging away at this stuff....I 'd rather be planting...or doing something fun...and I KNOW Brian would rather be anything....

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