Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's thoughts

Brian is feeling good. He made himself a giant omelet last night and ate the whole thing. a pound of bacon, 10 eggs , onions and cheese.

Think he had a protein craving? least he cut it in half and ate some at dinner and some a few hours later along with a half gallon of milk. It was quite pretty as well....all nicely rolled up and everything.
I am always grateful no matter the pain in the purse for the fact that Brian will eat despite the chemotherapy. It is my strong opinion that the patients that do poorly are the ones that don't eat well. I have seen it time and time again. The body really needs that protein to combat and regenerate.

I have no idea where the money for the food budget is going to come from. But he's really doing much better then expected, so food it is.... (my mother will tell you I could do with a lot less food anyhow, she's pretty good at finding some excuse to point out my fat).

after all the traveling expenses and food expenses and prescription expenses and all the other things Brian's needed. (before the medicaid started last week)..there is too much month left at the end of my money this week. To make matters worse, when I checked on "where's my refund" I see the IRS has pushed back our refund date twice now....I Googled it and I see I am just one of many that game is being played with. And we all know the IRS doesn't give a shit if I needed that money to feed my kids and pay bills with. (yeah, we got real "change" in the white house now...)

I'd be lying if I didn't admit to a modicum of depression today. Maybe even a little more then a modicum.

The vet thinks that Twittens has a mass in her intestine....and my doctor is concerned with my health and the damage stress is doing to it. Yep...a little more then a little depressed today.

I tried last night to talk to Scott and Stephanie about how things have to be even tougher then before because if the lack of refund money next week....I would be lying if I said I was thrilled even a tiny bit with their responses. I know they "get it"....but sometimes I wish they'd really "GET IT".

time to ebay off some things...I can say it doesn't matter, but that's not totally the truth..but I do get it and I know how to do what is necessary. But I am feeling the pain today for sure.
I'm waiting for the camera battery to recharge...then I will continue to prepare my ebay listings for uploaded tonight. I usually schedule things to post between 9-10pm.

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