Saturday, April 24, 2010

the days all blur together

Some days it seems that the endless drone of chores and things just make my mind numb.

The car needed a new radiator. What makes that so annoying is the radiator was only about a year and a half old. And we'd had a problem with it before. Unfortunately we bought it from a place in NJ and taking it back and complaining is unrealistic. It was an expense we hardly needed, but it should resolve that on going problem, now that it was all taken a part and the real problem revealed.

It took time we didn't have, money we didn't have and prevented Scott from doing something else I needed him to do which causes a problem for tomorrow I am undecided on how to resolve.

Sometimes I really just hate my life. It's so fraught with complications we didn't choose on top on the ones we did. The constant stress is wearing on us this week as well. Everyone is short tempered and cranky.
I understand I chose a long time ago to wear the pants, but I want to give them back....
I want a magic fairy to sweep in and solve all the other problems, so I can deal with the big one. Seriously, is that too much to ask?....guess so..damn it.

as a side bar, Stephanie didn't keylock her phone and she kept leaning on it at work and it called me 4 times, once even leaving a voicemail for me....

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