Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday's musings

Today is our first "free" day in a week. I don't have to be any place with Brian. In a way it feels refreshing, but in another way it feels stressful. After all, it is not like life simply stops because you're too busy to deal with it.

This is one of those day where the choices are the hardest. Do I catch up on laundry, housework, yard work, paper bills...(well, I better do that or we won't have any water or electricity, or cell phones...etc)...
OR do I catch up on rest...or something else that helps me relax and de stress?

I started the day on the phone trying to find a solution to one of the never ending issues, and in doing so I found myself torn between asking someone to do something they might not feel 100% comfy with, or what I need for Brian. The answer was easy...I asked because Brian needs....many of our days will include little personal dilemma's like that. In the end, a mom's got to do, what a mom's got to do...anything not important.

so back to what I am going to do with the rest of my day....well first I am going to see if Brian has left me anything to eat. Then I am going to go to the grocery store, because I am pretty sure that the answer to that is probably a can of tuna, and another obscure can of something that the label has peeled off of, and it most likely dog food.
THEN I think a nap is in order. I learned the very serious pitfalls last time he had cancer of trying to do too much and not getting enough sleep.

We have our "schedule" this week of M,W,F labs, but that is subject to change. IF labs dip too low then he'll have to be hospitalized, and at some point I know the cancer clinic is going to call with a time they want to check him over (I know this because my paperwork tells me they will be called to schedule an appt.)

Brian is cranky, nauseous and starving at the same time ( and he says that is hell [his words])and he says his bones hurt (that would be the neulasta).

Stephanie is baking filling some cheesecake/pie/cookie orders she has...hope she'll leave a few for me to judge..

I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but special thanks to our neighbor Jim who always comes over and helps Scott with the cars and is always willing to watch over things. He's a good neighbor and friend.

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