Monday, March 22, 2010


Weird title?...Actually it's Brian's room number of the deluxe accomidations at Leigh Valley Hospital.

I was torn between rainy days and mondays and those crazy PA drivers, so I just went a different way entirely.

Our Day started at 8:00 am when the hospital called to see if Brian could come in earlier for his surgery to put in the portacath. Which we would have been happy to do, had they called an hour earlier, but even rushing around to get out earlier, we only got there about 15 minutes before our regularly scheduled time.
Dr. Mosca put in his port. Then he went for xrays to make sure of placement, then we were off to the Dr.'s office. Which we were running late for because of the time we were at surgery. SO they skipped the office visit and sent us right up to the hospital room. NOT quite as nice as the previous room, this is the official "Hemotology Oncolgy" floor. But we've had worse and everyone is very nice.
(I really can't get over all the nice at this hospital....they really are nice people.)

Labs got done, and hydration started, but no chemo until about 10am tuesday morning.
Scott and I stayed until 9:30, had a miserable drive home, in the pouring rain and am headed to bed now so I can get on the road by 8:30 to be there in time for chemo to start.

SO today's good news/bad news....the good news is that the lymphoma is NOT in his bone marrow. Bad news is that the tumor that was removed is growing back quickly. Very quickly...not entirely unexpected, but dis concerning none the less.

ON a twisted humor side of things, I was once again (I know, I hang my head in shame) amused when Dr. Shah asked Brian about sperm banking....what can I say....I laugh at all the inappropriate things. Can't take me anywhere....

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