Saturday, March 13, 2010

rescue redux...??

Last night I was feeling a little panic.
It happens to the best of us, even if we are reluctant to admit it.

Sometimes it is sneaky and sometimes it just will hit you square splat right in the face.

We'll discuss the cause of the panic later on when I have the PET scan report in front of me and I know for sure what the Doctor was telling me, was indeed what my brain processed it out to be. (More on this after Monday's oncology appointment).

I was online getting ready to sell some things so I can try and get Brian the PS3, that I know will not only make him happy, but will also help focus his anger and agitation and is just a good thing to have when you are facing so much in hospital time. I know this only too well from when he was getting chemo last time. Video games are invaluable. Probably the only time a parent begs their child to play video games.

Stephanie called me on her way home from work. Sometime between 1-2am...she'd stopped because she came across a small injured buck on the side of the road. She asked if I could come help her get him up on his feet and see if he was alright. So grabbed a blanket, some fluids to help with shock and a rope, and off I went.
By the time I got there about 15 minutes later, she'd already gotten him out of the road, on his feet and with a little encouragement and no doubt a granola bar from her purse, he was trotting off on his own into the woods.

It reminded me of a similar incident years ago when Brian had just started chemo. On the way to the hospital, we found a little baby bird on the sidewalk. He'd been blown out of his nest from someplace. So we put him in a soft container, got some food supplement for him from the pet store, and I'd sit with Brian, then go dropper feed the bird, then go back to Brian.

Needless to say, the deer took my mind off my panic, reminded me that we are all connected to that thin thread of life and fate.

Perhaps Cerridwen felt my need of distraction and needed to help an animal and had sent the baby bird in 2001 and the young deer last night.

I really didn't do much either time, but both things happened at a time when the distraction was a good way to channel my fear and nervous energy in a different direction. Coincidence? maybe...but a good one.

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