Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day....

One of Brian's favorite dishes is corned beef and cabbage, so in truth we have it a lot more then once a year.
My tricks to making it delicious is to boil the potatoes and cabbage along with the corned beef, and to add a little pickling spice (cloves, bay leaf, etc) to the water.
It always fills the house full of delicious smells.

Brian is having some pain today, I don't know if it is from the cancer or from the surgery, but it is new pain, and doesn't make me happy. I am quite sure it doesn't really make him happy either.

I hit up the redbox for a few movies so he can relax in bed and watch them. He did take an RX for the pain, which is NOT like him, so he must be quite uncomfortable.

last night he was very agitated and kept me up until about 3am making lists of things we "have to have" for after the chemo. It seems like a combination of anxiety, pain, apprehension etc.. have brought on a full blown bout of OCD....we'll have to deal with that if it continues, Brian hasn't needed medication for that in about 6 months, and I don't know how that will correspond with the chemo, but the doctor's are aware of the issues.

I worked on the neupogen issue today for a while, thanks to Jean for all the helpful links. Still have quite a few more phone calls for tomorrow, but it seems that we have a back up solution if we can't get the neupogen to give a will hardly be ideal, but nothing in these cases are ideal.

I got the oil leak fixed on my car, it was a BIG ordeal, the transmission had to be taken off, and had to be done by a mechanic, but at least it is no longer spewing oil everywhere as we trek back and forth. It does seem like my NEW radiator also has a small leak, which really annoys me, but hopefully that can get resolved on saturday.

The dogs got to spend some time outside today, it warmed up to almost 60, and Brian wanted to sit outside and play ball with Piggy, but he just didn't feel up to it. I hope tomorrow he is feeling better and it is warm as well. The dogs really make him happy. He loves to play with them.

My deer was here for food today and his front leg is hurt now, last summer his rear leg was hurt, and I haven't seen him in a few weeks. He's bigger and obviously still as klutzy. He didn't come to the window like he usually does, but he wandered all over the front yard until I saw him and threw him a carrot. He loves carrots and banana peels.

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