Sunday, May 2, 2010

the weekend's always too short...part deux....

I barely even noticed it was a was just go go go....and once again I feel like I barely accomplished anything.
I think I should take a day off...I am worn out and starting to not accomplish things effectively. It happens when you run and run...

Scott took the door apart on the car trying to fix the motor on the window that doesn't go up and down that I need to work for the parking garage at the hospital...He didn't get it finished before he needed to go to bed for work....hopefully it will get finished tomorrow.

Stephanie is going out to look for a new job tomorrow...things are deteriorating at her current job and she didn't make enough over the weekend to justify the drive there. Besides...there is just too many unsavory things going on there...time to move on. It makes her sad because she has a great work ethic and hates being under appreciated.

Brian has an infected toenail. I clipped it and cleaned it up best I could, but I am concerned since his counts are heading into the usually lowest period. He ended up spending a week in the hospital in 2001 because of an infected toenail during neutropenia.

Oh course I had to bug him about putting some slippers or shoes on his feet....he is my barefoot child for sure...I rarely wear anything more then flipflops even in the winter.

Not sure if the toe will land us back at the hospital sooner then Wednesday or not..sort of depends on his immune system.

Tonight He felt a lump back near his incision and he was concerned it was the cancer again so quickly. It looks a little swollen, but I didn't feel anything. The PET scan on the 12th will give us the answer to that...I don't know if it will change anything if it is regrowing so quickly.
I know it is not good if it is regrowing so quickly.

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