Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday's musings

Well, the good news is that the toe looks better today. We soaked it last night for a while and clipped it back a little more. I think we have headed off the worst of an infection. We cleaned it up with betadine and a band-aid at least for a short while....

I think his counts are going to be surprisingly good wednesday. He looks good, his color is pink and there hasn't been any petechiae. The mouth sores haven't really amounted to too much this time, even less then before and the area on his lip is all healed.

Stephanie is working on her portfolio for a job interview tomorrow....and let me tell you, her portfolio is delicious...there is bread rising, dough sitting...and cookies chilling. I am going to print out some of the other things she's produced and put together some pictures as well for her.

It's a beautiful day here, mid 70's, sunny, warm...if I wouldn't feel guilty about how much I have to get done, I'd go sit at the lake for a couple of hours. But I need to get a ton of things done, laundry and bathroom cleaning. I do wish I had a clothes line up, it's a perfect day to hang wash, and there is nothing like sheets and clothes dried on a line. The smell is wonderful.
(add to the do list...clothes line...wonder where mine is from the other house?...I suppose we probably used the rope to tie things for the move...)

It rained last night which was good, we needed it, and all the dandelions bloomed, so no more salad greens..they are too bitter once they bloom, but I got some for salad last week. The lilacs are blooming, just a few flowers, the move last year shocked them and it will take at least another year before they are full again.

The Doe and her yearlings were here last night. Brian fed them banana peels and some apple skin. He says the apple skin tastes funny to him right now, so he's been peeling his apples. He said a few things taste funny still, but that will pass once the treatments are behind him. He loves to feed the deer. They are very tame here. We heard the turkeys and they riled up the dogs, but I haven't seen them. Brian said he saw one of the chipmunks the other day, they are very fun to watch.

I can hear Stephanie on the phone in the other room, and I can't help but thinking she's really missing her calling....she really should have been a social worker...but pastry and baking is her heart's desire....

I have more medical paperwork to work on tonight for a while. I always feel like I am behind it in. Of course that more comes in the mail everyday doesn't help.

Scott has a cough today...I don't know if he caught a cold from work or what, but I hope he doesn't share it.

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