Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, monday.....

Well, today was a bunch of paperwork. But I got the first batch done and mailed. Some medical stuff, and mainly the SSI stuff. Though another few envelopes came in the mail with more things to fill out. It just never ends.

It is very humid here today and making me a little cranky. On the way home from the post office, I had the windows open on the car because my air conditioner doesn't work and a bug flew in and I swallowed it...I coughed all the way home because it didn't just go down nicely....that was really freakin pleasant....

I stopped at shoprite on the way home and got a 6 pack of beer. Brian's never had any, and he told me he'd like to try it. (we don't really drink, so it isn't a big surprise) He was very specific, and on one hand it is amusing and on the other, I can see that he is concerned about all the things he hasn't tried or done, and they are obviously weighing heavily on his mind before the transplant.
It is heartbreaking to watch him go through this, knowing he's now lost 10 years to dealing with this disease. He didn't really get to go to HS, he didn't go to prom, have a girlfriend or even learn to drive, because if it wasn't the cancer, it was the debilitating long term side effects he's suffered for so long. He was finally off medications and ready to learn to drive right before incredibly unfair for him. Makes me so damn angry as well....especially thinking back on some of the road blocks we dealt with after the original chemo to getting the side effect issues diagnosed and dealt with. Now it easy peasy and "everyone" is cognitive of the issues.

I got the medical report in the mail with his test results from the testing on the 12th..I'll be uploading them later on for you to read through. You'll see a reference to a nodule in his lung. I probably haven't mentioned it before, because it was part of the original lymphoma and I was told it was gone, so imagine my surprise when I read the report today. Here is a perfect example of why despite what you are told, you MUST obtain copies of all the reports and read them yourselves. NO ONE is a better patient advocate then the patient. (Or in this case the patient's pain in the ass MOMMY).

Thanks to our great neighbor Jim, who once again brought Scott something to help work on the car with, along with the always offer to help. He's really a great neighbor and friend and we are lucky to have him.

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