Monday, May 17, 2010

Today's news from the oncology visit

Well, I forgot to get copies of the report....I'll have to call them tomorrow and have them mail them to me.

But to summarize....The PET scan was not negative, there is still evidence of lymphoma, although the removed, grown back tumor is much smaller. It does not change his eligibility for the transplant, as that is more based upon the cancer to respond to the chemotherapy (which it has, rather then achievement of remission which we have not.)
After some discussion with Dr. Ehmann (transplant Doctor from Hershey) We will start on that procedure as soon as it can be scheduled.

There will be the neupogen injections, then the harvesting of the stem cells and the insertion of the hickman catheter prior to the admission for the transplant procedure.
I would expect to hear from Hershey in the next few days and get a time line then.

The echo-cardiogram was normal and the pulmonary function test showed some bronchial restriction indicating asthma, damage, something along those lines, we will be seeing a pulmonary specialist, but that is secondary to the transplant.

so, no big surprises today, Brian had already told me he could feel the tumor, so I knew it was not going to be the ultimate results, but still a good enough response for him to go to transplant.

There is a lot of good information here...and I'll be posting some more links to help understand the process.

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