Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday's update

It rained the last two days. the garden needed it/ We had a large speckled slug on the side of the house. He was pretty neat. Most of our slugs are yellow or tan. Brian loved him. Stephanie wanted to make him a terrarium and name him George.

Today I pruned the tomato plants. It had a bunch of stems at the bottom and with my not going ot be home, I will be happy if it gets watered. Other upkeep is unlikely.

I had another day of having a hard time getting motivated to get anything done. I am for sure in a funk. I did clean out under the kitchen sink and get rid of things we aren't going to use. Mostly plastic containers that have missing lids and cleaners I don't use. Recycling is on monday and it's a good time to sort the plastic food containers.

Brian is bored. Anxious to get the treatment done and get back home. We are of a like mind in that aspect.

Scott got Stephanie's car on the road but it looks like last week when she drove it home in the wrong gear up the hill, she did the transmission in once and for all. He tried flushing it and changing the filter, but it only has reverse, 1st and 2nd gear. It was having a problem with overdrive already, but was working fine in 3rd. It obviously was just enough to fry the gear last week. Scott's handling it rather well considering how many car issues there have been lately, but it doesn't resolve the needing another running car while I am gone issue. But we can only do what we can do. Since she's barely making enough money to cover the cost of her car insurance, cell phone and a little spending money, the job's going to play second fiddle to Scott getting to work for sure. But it doesn't help and doesn't come at the time when even if I will drive her or let her take my car, is even possible.

I am at the whatever point, and need to focus just on Brian's health for the next month anyhow.
I am going to caffeine my fat cells tonight and hope for the motivation I need to get at least my paperwork done.
Then maybe fight the oppressing depression by packing up some craft items to take with me and try and be optimistic about having spare time to sit and craft while supervising Brian and his treatment.

The picture is Brian during the collection of his stem cells. They pump the blood out, through the machine, which separates the cells and some plasma for the transplant and gives the balance of the blood back to him. He did really well with only a short period of low calcium and he got too warm from the blood warmer, but did fine after some calcium (in the form of tums) a couple of soda's and the blood warmer turned off.

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