Friday, July 9, 2010

do you ever wonder

How much you can take before you feel desperate, panic, sad, like you can't take anymore?...I consider myself a very strong person. I laugh through things that are difficult. Yet even I can feel overwhelmed. Much to my surprise in light of the big picture, it was a relatively small thing today that gave me a huge shove towards the edge. Guess it is time to sit back and relax. So that is exactly what I am going to.

Homecare for Brian's hickmann catheter became a problem today, as in they can't get any...good thing I am comfortable with the line flushing and the bandage changing that needs to be done. Went out and bought some supplies to tide us over until the package arrives from U of P that they sent out today when they couldn't get home care arranged. TOday I will flush both his lines with saline and heparin.

Did you know that heparin is made from pig intestines and cow lungs?....I wonder if PETA people know that?...Would they allow a potentially life saving procedure and use heparin?...or would they double standard?...hum...(PETA has seriously lost any credibility for me a long time ago) the mind wanders overload....

Brian is still sleeping but looked fine and made appropriate aggravated grunt noises when I checked on him. I am not getting him up, I can use the peace and quiet.

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