Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday update

Brian feels pretty good today. A little nauseated, but then the heat isn't helping that much either. It's a little warm and a little humid.

He doesn't feel much like eating, but I am going to make some grilled chicken and he can eat it cold if he feels to hot to eat it warm. I have some wonderful mango salsa he likes.

The warm is making everyone a little cranky. As well as the endless list of things to do. Right now I'd love to get clothes line up, but will all the trees it's a project itself.

My brakes are squealing on the car, so the brakes and the oil change needs to get done before we head to Philadelphia. Scott' s really feeling the stress of not enough time and money right now. He's a little extra cranky. Work is hectic and that's got him under pressure as well.

I know we're going to run out of time in getting ready for next week, but isn't that always how it is with us...oh well...we certainly should be used to it by now.

Brian has to go for blood work tomorrow down to Pocono medical center. Just regular post chemo labs. I know he looks forward to a time when he can just rest and not have to be some place. (and the time in the hospital doesn't count, as it only serves to agitate him all up.)

hopefully this will be a productive stress free week....Hey, I can dream can't I???

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