Wednesday, June 9, 2010

one thing after another....

Today when I got up it was the time I got out of the shower, it was pouring down rain....a sign of how my day was going to be...

First off...Scott's saturn is dead, long live the certainly gave us it's best with a LOT of miles on it's little 4 cylinder engine...but the timing? sucks....It's too old to be practical to even consider putting a new or even a junkyard engine in it. It's an 1995 with close to 300000 miles and he rebuilt the top of the engine 50,000 miles ago...what will we do?....well that is a question to wring my hands over tomorrow.

Today we decided to go to the other costco because there was road work on rt 80....well....I usually do well with the GPS, but today it had a mind of it's own and apparently decided we needed a family road trip??? (Brian and Steph came along because they were feeling a little bored and wanted to help)
What should have been a 65 mile trip turned out to be a 3 hour trip through the PA countryside. But I wasn't possibly lost, I was still following the gps route.....apparently programed by someone who had a twisted sense of humor perhaps?
The upside was of course the wonderful old homes we passed. The kind built in the 1700's that the kids are not used to seeing outside of the princeton area and not in the quantity seen. We also toured the Lehigh, Moravian and Northampton College campuses, viewed the Bethlehem steel projects, the Quakertown area and Finally located the costco for grocery shopping.
Fortunately we all had a sense of humor about it and Scott had a nap for the whole trip...LOL.

It was actually good for Brian to get out and Stephanie see the colleges. I even found a fabric store for the distant future use.
On the way home, we checked out the PA turnpike because it will be the route I'll be taking back and forth from Philadelphia with Brian.

SO we need a car, but we HAVE food....isn't life just a kick in the pants? really is funny in that special sick and twisted kind of way.
But we really did have a nice family day out, only next time?...I'd rather go to the lake.

Here's a video for today's antics...enjoy

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