Saturday, December 22, 2012

water heater ordeal

well the water heater going was quite the ordeal....the old water heater was crammed under the stairs, and was a "lowboy". The new water heater is not, it is tall and is currently in my living room with flexible pipes running to it until we get permanent pipes run for it to go some place it fits..yeah...well guess I could throw a few xmas balls on it and call it I didn't put up a tree... don't have the money or the desire...

I sure do have new appreciation for caregiver about caregiver burn out...after 12 year..I am SO there.

it least it snowed today...snow makes me happy...

my bloodwork came back from the dr..looks not so hot..I need to take better care of white cell count is liver values are sugar is vit d is ..well there isn't any..

guess I need to get it together somehow...funny how quickly I got stressed and worn out...I can't live like this anymore...just not sure how to change things I can....there is just me Scott and other help...and scott works 48 hrs a week an hour and 15 mins away...

I was reading someone ppls blogs about living in situations like we are..trying to get some ideas...most don't have 12 years in and they sure do seem to be able to get help...I must be doing something wrong for sure. maybe if I paint a rosy picture and pretend it's all fantastic,...

at least once we get the waiting over and we know exactly what we're facing this time it will be better then waiting...

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