Saturday, December 1, 2012

Brian ran a bit of a fever today, and was tired, so we grabbed a dvd from redbox "The Raven" and watched that, it was pretty good. I haven't rented a redbox in a was $1.24 instead of a $1.00...I don't know when they changed their pricing and $1.24 seems like a weird increase..why not .25 cents? ah well..I like and convenient...I still don't know why they don't have them at the hospital...seems to me like that would be brilliant.
 I got all his appointments for his testing and scan scheduled, and am just waiting on the precertification for the PET scan. But We have plenty of time before the scan so I am not concerned.
It looked like snow all day but weather report says it is going to be a bit of ice this am....hope it doesn't prevent Scott from getting home from work today :(

I am going to try and get some ebay stuff done tomorrow and I hope tp get some things in my etsy store too...not feeling the motivation...but the stress was tolerable...Brian did a few miles pacing in a 5 foot radius though....pretty typical for him ...Then he chilled on the bed playing with Leni....she has him wrapped around her tiny little calico paw...thank goodness he has the pets, they bring so much to his life.
We played warcaft for a bit before he went to sleep. I'm going to make sure the firewood is covered over in case we do get ice....I hate wet wood...I have to work way too hard to get the fireplace started. Then I am going to get some sleep for a bit..
I haven't given much though yet on what we're going to do holiday wise...usually we decorate a lot but I am not feeling it right this minute...I guess we'll figure it out on Scott's next day off from work.

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