Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just trying to get organized...not sure why I try cause it seems to be a losing battle, right now it is the paperwork nightmare that keeps me busy.

On an upside of things, we got notification from ssdi that Brian's disability review is finished and approved and he won't have to have another for 3 years. It's not a lot of money but it sure does help. Diet is so very important in him fighting this disease and I don't know about you, but wow has my grocery bill gone up in the last two years.

the dogs chewed the weather gasket off the bottom of the front door...idiots....cute lovable IDIOTS. Brian was playing with them and then got tired and I wasn't watching so they decided to go get into trouble all on their own.

it's frustrating just biding our time until the testing...way too much time to sit and ponder...and not enough time to read thru all the treatment trials.
Since Brian has had a modified CHOP protocol, an ICE protocol and an autologous stem cell transplant, we are up to just few options. Good new options, but ones that are very new and have relatively few results. And maybe he wont have to have treatment cause this is just a big nasty scare, but I don't believe that and I prefer to be prepared.

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