Saturday, December 18, 2010

a christmas gesture

We're pretty worn out from everything. It's kind of hard to get into the holiday spirit as well...and we don't really have any extra money to spend, I cant really justify the expense of a Christmas tree this year.
But as that might be the case, I do have some dolls from my collection that in the current market are not sale able on ebay, so I have decided that if we can't really have a Christmas, we can bring on to someone else who can't either. Christmas is the one time where I do try and do something nice for people rather then my more favorite volunteer work of animals. So I am working on finding a local girl (or boy) who wouldn't have Christmas otherwise. If I can't find someone local, (I expect I can) then I will go down to the pediatric ward at Lehigh Valley Hosp. and bring some thing there...(we've done the hospital thing many times since Brian's first admission to Robert wood in 2000)
This is the first year in while there is no shopping, very little decorating in a lot of years, but hopefully this time next year things will be better. It's just stuff anyhow...

Brian is pretty tired this week, but we went to breakfast this morning where Stephanie works, they have a little family breakfast at the holidays, and it was nice to get to meet all these people I have heard so much about, as well as see some of her coworkers we've already met. We had a good time.
I am sending out cards this xmas, but I'll be in touch with all of you who have sent them shortly. Thanks for the well wishes and updated kids pix...

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