Thursday, September 23, 2010

thursday oncology visit

It's late and I'm tired, a long day of driving, almost 7 hours in the car, due to traffic and road construction and just the distance....

The visit went well and Brian's labs were good, his white count is a little low again, but nothing too concerning. His platelets dropped a little too, but are still within normal range.

I was concerned when Brian wanted to discuss what treatment options he might have if the PET scans shows lymphoma still...he has not mentioned anything that indicated he feels like the cancer is still in his body, and he is very attuned to his body. Not sure where that is heading....
In any event, the PET scan needs to be scheduled for 4 weeks from now and we will be returning to U of P Oct. 28 for a visit and to discuss the results of that testing.
Brian gets a lab reprieve, they are going to let him go all month without having to have labs done. Thank goodness...his veins are shot and he can use the break.

The brakes on my car went on the way home, we were almost home, we stopped to get some brake fluid, but it didn't help....guess that will be tomorrow's fire to put out. Scott can't catch a break and he's not wearing it well any longer...stress is a bitch master for sure.

Stephanie went hiking on the Appalachia trail today with her new beau..boy is she sore tonight and I'm pretty sure if I looked in her room, I'd find her face down still in her clothes out cold....but she had a great time and said it was beautiful. She needs better footwear though...she turned her ankle and after 2 breaks, I don't want ankle troubles again.

so the doctors are Uof P are very pleased with Brian's recovery so far, and in 5 weeks, we'll know if the cancer is in all good.

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