Friday, April 19, 2013

our new normal

So I know many of you are waiting to hear about yesterday' trip to Philadelphia. With the Cat Scan results (which i neglected to get but will next week to post)

Brian has a lesion on his spleen, which did not light up on scan, so they consider it "old" lymphoma...but it has not shown up in the reports before. Although Dr. Nasta said she looked back through the years and found a referral to another (or the same?) years back.

basically there has not a lot of change, There are some subtle things that I think indicate his body continues to mount a battle against the cancer to keep it contained. But this is simply a DR. and a mother having a conversation about what they think is going on.

There are some other issues that makes the DR. think Brian has an autoimmune problem as well, so they ran some additional blood tests.

The toe is one of those things, the fact that despite repeated doses of antibiotics it has been infected for 7 months now.

I think we have no choice but to continue to battle this with good whole foods, making sure that Brian gets the best possible nutrition he can.

PET Scan in 3 months looks like this is going to be what is normal for us now....
scans until something is confirmed, then treatment...then scans....then treatment..with the hope that we can keep one foot ahead of the cancer with whatever new treatments come out the pike.
It sucks and I simply do not know how we can continue to do this...emotionally or financially.
We've been skating the edge of disaster with the depression, the old cars, the bills, the emotional fall out...for a long time.
We have to be careful can and has consumed our lives and that doesn't help us keep one foot off the edge.

And sadly it also once again sends home the point, there will never be vacations or retirement or many of the things we had hoped to do.
As parents, we're okay with it, I mean what parents wouldn't give up everything to save their child, but it doesn't mean it isn't hard.

Brian's going to continue to try and get some money for school and I am going to move forward with the cat rescue...because otherwise we wither and die out of sheer emotional exhaustion.

Scott's taken up watching sports..who knew...

we're broken in so many ways...but we're also Scottish and German and Irish....we will do ok broken...the genes say so.

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