Saturday, December 15, 2012

the senseless attacks on the school children both in CT and China show that society as a whole are really dropping the ball on those who need help. Mental health is an important thing, so is support. People who are mentally ill are no different then Brian with cancer, or me with connective tissue disease. They need more then a pill to make them happy...they need understanding and real treatment.

oh wait wrong blog..this isn't my soapbox blog...well still it is important enough to share my thoughts.

Brian's toe is finally getting better...he's tired and cranky this week, but he is still not sleeping well and while the meteor shower was fantastic to watch, he's off schedule now and stressing himself out over getting back on schedule. He can control so little in his life that he has been focusing on his schedule...and while it is a bit trival, he needs that illusion of control over those things he can.

Whatever happens, the wait for the testing and results is a huge stressor and we all want it over, but we needed to wait for him to get the antibiotics and antifungals in and through his system.

My car hit 276000 miles the other day...125000 miles pretty much in back and forths to the hospitals over the last 12 years. Scott does a good job keeping it running for those trips. My neighbor Jim helped him give it a good tune up 2 years ago when they did some engine if I can just get that exhaust system replaced since it is still wired up on the car...

how would have thought we'd be like it was in the beginning rolling change for gas and band aiding the cars now...pretty sure this was not how I saw my life unfolding. But I wouldn't change a thing if it meant not having this time we've had with each other. It's been a really hard life, one that pushes me to the edge, but it has not been all bad.

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