Thursday, December 19, 2013

fundraiser update

in addition I would like to thank my mother and my sister....

Thursday, December 5, 2013

et all update

Well, the car accident has really emotionally pushed us a little closer to the is not a good thing.
Brian had a terrible day yesterday emotionally...mentally..really pushed me to the point where I had to make him sit down and think if continuing to live here was in all of our best interests.
It sounds hard I know, but with the reliable car for me at all, I simply can not have him acting out and on a manic roller coaster.
We're scared...we are kicked further down then ever before and there is no light at the end of that tunnel right now...I understand why he feels like he does...we are falling apart.

will it get better?...IDK
12/17 14 year anniversary of Brian's first cancer diagnosis...we really have been through the ringer...and NO ONE saw where we are today as where we would be.

as always there are those who manage to make me feel like my best is never good enough as well.

please share and help us to get another car if you would take a lot of pressure off.

and we could regain some normal least go further with the cat adoptions and get Brian to Philly in FEB.

or maybe I will just find a nice bridge to jump off of...starting to be a very appealing alternative.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

terrible car accident

Scott had a terrible car accident the day before thanksgiving commuting home from work., leaving us carless. Please consider making a small donation to help us get a "new" used vehicle.
thank you. We were very lucky he wasn't more seriously injured or killed.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Update after Univ. of Pa visit

It's been awhile since the last update, we've been busy.

The good news is that Brian's last PET scan was completely clear and he is considered in complete remission. We are free of those constant trips now until Feb.  In Feb he will have a CAT scan and will see Dr. Nasta again. For now, we've decided to deal only with Univ. of Penn.

Brian also went to his regular Dr. and got some antidepressants, and some medication to help with his severe neuropathy. AND some more antibiotics for his toe. He also got a referral to the podiatrist and the psychiatrist. (those appt he has not made yet, but I am willing to be happy with the baby steps)

I have befriended people on facebook who's children have and are battling cancer in it's various forms, and I know that no matter what we have lost....what we might lose...we are blessed...Brian has survived for 14 years. Through some terrible chemo treatments, through a stem cell transplant that was even harder. and while we are all damaged...physically and mentally and ruined financially...we have Brian ..I can live with it. We are the lucky ones even if it doesn't feel like it every day.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

august update

Brian had his PET scan and is heading to Philadelphia to meet with Dr. Nasta to review the results on Wednesday 8/28.

We'll post updates after that.

We have some issues with his mental health that are trying to get addressed, but it is a little easier said then done. He is not 100% committed to addressing them. We've had a few false starts in getting him the right kind of care, and obviously my ability to physically drag him off is not possible.

I have had personally a difficult summer physically and I have had to focus on that, simply because my body gave me no other choice and since there is no one else to step up and care for Brian, I had to give myself attention first. Xrays, MRI, blood tests later, it looks like either my immune disease is progressing or I am having a wicked flare. In any event, I have severe tendonitis in my shoulder and upper arm that is on week 9 of healing, and forced me back on prescription pain killers. However, it is making improvements after a series of injections, medications, steroids and even some antibiotics.

The cat rescue continues to progress....I am at the point now where as soon as I have the funds necessary I can file the paperwork, which is filed out and ready to go. The funds as always..the

hope you all have enjoyed your summer.

Friday, July 19, 2013

updated schedule


PET scan 7/24

Univ. of Phila....Dr. Nasta  8/28

unless something changes because of the PET scan results.

it's very hot here this week....I guess it is very hot pretty much everywhere this week.

My shoulder is still a problem and now is infected as the steroid injections did cause cellulitis....but I have started the PT exercises, they hurt but seem to be helping a little....still ice, ibuprofen pretty much 24/7, but I have been able to reduce to usage of the dilaudid to almost none, so the pain is getting better...and I am just stubborn and won't take the rx. pain pills unless I am crawling out of my skin in pain anyhow. Certain things still cause immense pain, sitting up straight at the desk and bending over..must just position the shoulder to press on the inflamed tendons.

but I had the xrays and I had the mri so that is it...I am done with the DR. unfortunately I don't seem to just be able to ignore this one.